Strive offers a stimulating, diverse and sequenced curriculum that is aimed at re-engaging student’s interest in education. Being educated at Strive allows students to access personal learning that has a high level of support. Academic outcomes are often not the priority.
On-roll placements:
Strive supports parents, schools and Local Authorities who face barriers in finding the right educational provision that meets the challenging and complex needs of individuals. Strive only has staff who understands these challenges and needs.
Through a comprehensive admission and induction process, Strive will use a series of assessment and screening processes to identify and understand any barriers to learning. A tailored learning plan that will include interventions and support will be designed and built within a student’s timetable.
Strive offers a more flexible and personalised curriculum with smaller class sizes. All classes have a ratio of two staff members to six students max. 1-1 interventions, nurture approaches, coaching, mentoring, counselling, therapy and bespoke support will also play a crucial role in the wrap around care we provide.
All applications for these placements must come via a consultation process through their Local Authority (LA) and Case Work Officer (CWO). Parents/carers should speak with their CWO in the first instance.
Strive may be considered by LAs if it is evidenced that mainstream education (school or college) can’t meet the needs or provide the required provision outlined in the EHCP. Although parental preference is considered by the LA, being placed at Strive is not a guarantee and will be determined by a variety of factors.
Strive will send a comprehensive report to home and professionals (where appropriate) every term. This will include a review against EHCP outcomes alongside specific targets for each subject area and information on attendance, behaviour, and progress.

Educational Aim:
To enable students to achieve their full potential. It is our ambition, through the delivery of a stimulating, diverse and sequenced curriculum, coupled with a programme of intervention and support, to enable our students to achieve good social, emotional, academic and vocational results.
If you are interested in finding out more about STRIVE, or chat about the individual needs of your student or child. Call us on 01423 649070, or simply fill out the form below and we’ll get straight back to you.