As part of our support network, Strive will
work closely with social workers, health
and / or care professionals, families and
other establishments or organisations.
Strive is a much smaller, calmer, and personalised environment than amainstream college allowing staff to intervene, support and helpstudents quickly and effectively Class sizes will have a maximum of 6 students, supported by 2 staff members. All students will be offered Pastoral Support by our core pastoral team and students will ave the opportunity to speak with a member of staff at anytime during the day.
Every aspect of a student’s education and training will be targeted towards meeting the outcomes of the EHCP and all staff will be working towards meeting these goals. Timetabled intervention and support sessions are offered to help, guide and support students through their studies and through their lives.
As part of our support network, Strive will work closely with social workers, health or care professionals, families and any other establishment or organisations that work with our students. Strive will attend key strategic partnership meetings, such as SEND Further Education Network meetings, termly local area meetings, celebration events and student review meetings.
Each student will be assigned a personal tutor. The designated tutor will work with a small group throughout the whole day. From the moment a student is greeted in the morning, they will be provided with a skilled and caring individual who will be a consistent adult throughout the day and week.
Each class will be delivered by a teacher who will be supported by a teaching assistant. They will make learning challenging and engaging through a variety of teaching and delivery styles. Should students require extra help, support and guidance in a lesson or require a ‘time-out’ then their teaching assistant will help provide this extra level of support.
Our policies are available here (click here-link)
Additional Support for Parents and Carers
SENDIASS North Yorkshire is a service for parents and carers of young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND) as well as young people themselves. It is impartial, which means it is not bias and gives confidential information, advice and support that is arms length to the Local Authority.
For further information please contact SENDIASS directly
If you are interested in finding out more about STRIVE, or chat about the individual needs of your student or child. Call us on 01423 649070, or simply fill out the form below and we’ll get straight back to you.