Strive is staffed by a caring, knowledgeable and experienced team who know how best to support our student’s varied needs.

Why Strive?

Strive is cognisant of the pressures faced when accessing a suitable local educational provision that best meets complex and challenging needs. Independent Special School status enables us to offer students a full-time option for those with an EHCP stating specialist provision.

Specific interventions may be put in place to help support our students. Our SENCo utilises Boxhall Profiling to assist with assigning the correct interventions that are likely to gain the best results. Where required, identified students will be assigned an intervention mentor who will conduct weekly sessions with students. This progress is monitored and reviewed by our SENCo.

Strive's policies to support placements:

Policies address the practical implications of how to achieve Strive’s vision and are a key means of ensuring that agreed values underpin day-to-day decisions and actions. 

Quality of Education

Procedure for Complaint handling

Welfare, health and safety of students

Suitability of staff

Quality of premises

Provision of information

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

Quality of leadership and management

All policies at Strive are available here (click here-link)


Additional Support Services

Depending on need, provision required and EHCP outcomes, some students will receive additional support services. These can be planned prior to starting Strive or they can be introduced at a time that is in the best interest of the young person.

These could include:

1:1 sessions with key worker

Mentoring sessions

Counselling sessions

Work with bereavement counsellors

Specialist careers support

1:1 tutoring

These support methods are individual and designed in conjunction with families, professionals and our young people themselves.


As part of their Core Offer, young people will have access to a SENCo who will provide and coordinate literacy and numeracy screening (WRAT 5), SEMH (Boxall) assessments and sensory profiling. Our SENCo will coordinate all EHCP consults, interim, progress and annual review meetings.

A member of Strive staff/SENCo will attend all Child Protection, Child in Need, Youth Justice, Looked After Child and any other professional review meetings. This will include during any holiday periods

For quality assurance, accountability and Ofsted purposes, Strive will provide schools and local authorities with all relevant and up to date policies, individual education plans and safeguarding information. Monitoring, tracking and reporting information will be shared with all stakeholders to ensure that provision is relevant, suitable and meets intended outcomes.

Support for students:

From the moment a student is greeted in the morning, they will be greeted with skilled and caring staff who will be consistent throughout the day and week. Form tutors will ‘check-in’ with every student each morning to make sure they are ready for the day ahead.

Each class will be delivered by a teacher who will be supported by a teaching assistant. They will make learning challenging and engaging through a variety of teaching and delivery styles. Should student’s require extra help, support and guidance in a lesson or require a ‘time-out’ then their teaching assistant will help provide this extra level of support together with the additional support staff.

Review of full-time EHCP places

Strive will do everything possible to ensure a student’s educational, emotional, and social needs are met, however, where it is evident that Strive can’t meet these needs, a place will be reviewed and possibly removed.

A student will be placed on personalised cycles of Assess-Do-Review to help support need.


Where a place needs reviewing, an interim EHCP review meeting will take place and a different specialist provision may need naming on the plan in order to ensure a young person is getting the level of support they require.

Supporting safeguarding checks that can be provided on request:

  • Staff and volunteer records
  • Recruitment, qualifications and vetting checks
  • Insurance certificates
  • Core risk assessments
  • Equality information and objectives (public sector equality duty) statement for publication
  • Child protection policy and procedures
  • Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff
  • Independent school registration report
  • Ofsted reports
  • Public liability insurance
  • Employer’s liability insurance
  • Professional negligence insurance
  • Service Level Agreement

Intended Social, Emotional and Academic Outcomes:

The following measures are aspects that will form benchmarks in the progress of our students:

Improved regulation of emotions, increased attendance, improved physical and mental well-being, improved engagement with education and an improved attitude. A reduction in dysfunctional behaviours, exclusions or referrals. Improved sense of direction and self, including changes in self-esteem, confidence, motivation, and health awareness.

Improvement in developing and sustaining relationships (with family, professionals, staff and peers) including changes in the ability to communicate, show mutual respect, and work with others. An additional outcome aim for leaving students is to provide the tools to enable them to pursue college, apprenticeships, further training or employment opportunities.

If you are interested in finding out more about STRIVE, or chat about the individual needs of your student or child. Call us on 01423 649070, or simply fill out the form below and we’ll get straight back to you.