“Attendance at this school is a wonderful experience for pupils. Relationships between staff and pupils are highly respectful. The atmosphere at the school is calm and caring. During unstructured time, pupils and staff socialise together in a relaxed setting. This helps pupils to feel comfortable and safe. Staff have created a homely atmosphere which is rare to see.” (Ofsted inspection Nov 23)
A few quotes from our inspection report. To read the full report please click on ‘Download PDF’ below.
‘The curriculum is focused on developing pupils social, academic and vocational skills. These three strands underpin all aspects of the school’s work. For example, the school day is organised to ensure that pupils have breakfast and a chance to talk to staff before any lessons take place. This is incredibly successful in ensuring that pupils are ready to learn when lessons begin.’
‘Leaders maintain a clear focus on developing positive attitudes towards school. They understand the link between attendance and safeguarding and so focus on improving pupils’ attendance at school, which, for many, has been historically low. A key aspect of this work is developing positive relationships with parents and carers. During this inspection, the views of parents and carers were unanimously positive. Many see the work of the school as life-changing for their children.’
(Ofsted inspection Nov 23)
Information / Inspections:
Inspection Final Report November 2023
Ofsted pre-registration inspection report - November 2022
Ofsted guide for parents / carers
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