An environment where students are able to learn effectively to be empowered to make better life choices and enjoy success in the future!
A mainstream 'mould' does not suit everyone
Strive provides a unique, exciting and progressive curriculum that aims to spark our student’s interests back into education.
Supported by highly skilled staff who understand the challenges faced by our students.
Gaining maths and English is prioritised for our AP students together with meaningful vocational qualifications.
Enabling students to have better options when they leave us.
We offer a 3-day programme focussing on Construction skills with maths, English and enrichment.
2 AP pathways are offered enabling needs, interests and varying abilities to be catered for. See curriculum for further details.
Strive works with schools, families and any professional services to provide the wrap around support and care needed.
Needs of students are wide ranging but we work with those at risk of suspension and exclusion, those who may be anxious and struggle to attend large and noisy environments and those with diagnosed needs such as SEMH/ASC/ADHD.
We offer a 2-day programme focussing on multi-vocational subjects with maths, English and enrichment.

Educational Aim:
To enable students to achieve their full potential. It is our ambition, through the delivery of a stimulating, diverse and sequenced curriculum, coupled with a programme of intervention and support, to enable our students to achieve good social, academic and vocational results.
If you are interested in finding out more about STRIVE, or chat about the individual needs of your student or child. Call us on 01423 649070, or simply fill out the form below and we’ll get straight back to you.