It is important to us to measure the positive impact that we are having on our young people, families and the schools that are investing in their education.

Feedback & Comments:



“Strive has quite literally given me my boy back over the last 2 years. From non functioning and withdrawn to engaged and learning”

We are really grateful as a family that X can attend a school that can meet his needs. It has has a positive impact on all of our lives and its so lovely to see X happy and thriving. Thank you to all staff at strive for supporting X”

Just to say thank you for the patience kindness and understanding shown by all the team, giving X the time and support he needs to build his confidence in learning back”

X is happy to be apart of Strive and it shows when he comes home. I am happy that he feels happy, accepted and heard. The reputation of Strive is amazing and from what I have experienced myself, everyone is friendly, supportive and lovely”

X very much looks forward to coming to Strive. He always comes back telling me what he’s been doing. Strive has a huge positive impact in X’s week”

X has only attended Strive for a short time but thank you for all the support you have given him. To putting things in place for him and making him feel part of Strive. He’s also now found enthusiasm for subject he didn’t like before. Thanks doesn’t feel enough but thank you!”

“You have made a real difference to X, I have faith that he will have a good future, and it’s all down to great people like yourself!” 

Thanks for all of your efforts with X. Strive will change the lives of kids like X ?… it came at the right time for us when she would’ve been on the scrap heap so I thank you!”

Strive is one of the best things to have happened to X. Emotionally and academically, his needs are clearly being met and my only wish is that you had opened long before! It’s lovely to see X finally seem happy and relaxed when he returns home. I think my only suggestion would be is for whatever you guys are doing, please continue! It obviously works!!  Such a great great team! Many thanks to you all!”

I think Strive is amazing, I believe Strive is supporting X socially, he is a different person since joining, he comes home and talks about his day, he seems so excited, he loves all of your team and feels Strive listens to what he wants to say and are interested in him. I think he is progressing really well academically, and I feel you do support him, especially talking to him about his future and goals and how he can get there. This has given X a purpose in life which I believe he hasn’t felt for a long time, thank you”

I cannot praise Strive enough, you have all had a massive impact on X,  his attitude, his self- belief and confidence has come on leaps and bounds, X does struggle academically, so doing entry level instead will boost his confidence for college and apprenticeship in the future, I do believe that if he didn’t join Strive, he would have been excluded from school and would not have the opportunity to succeed, I totally believe in team Strive giving young people like X hope”.

since X has started at Strive, I have seen a huge difference in my son, as you know he was going down the wrong path and I couldn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel at all. Then he started at Strive and it was rocky at first until he adjusted. I remember X saying to me he liked it a lot as he felt he was listened to there from yourself and the rest of the staff treated him well, he also liked the fact that he was allowed to call you by your first names. X is very proud of himself that he can now cook a few things and has been eager to show me those skills at home too which has brought us closer. I feel he has really opened up to me since starting at Strive and I am so pleased with his progress. He seems to have gone from the troubled boy he was into a lovely polite young man.  I am very grateful to you and all your staff for bringing my son back to the lovely boy he used to be.  I have only good feelings about his future now which I didn’t have before Strive so thank you to you and all of your staff for all you have done and are doing for X”

I was worried about my son’s future, if he could fit in to an adult world, he used to have a negative attitude, but since attending Strive, he has become a positive young man with confidence and manners, he has grown up a lot and I now believe he has a bright future ahead of him. The staff at Strive are fantastic and believed in him, that has made such a difference to his confidence and attitude. As his mum, I will always be grateful for his time with Strive. Thanks again for everything, keep up the good work, you change life’s for the better”.

Just to say a massive well done for your first year. I can only speak for us but X’s whole world has changed for the better. Generally he is happier, calmer and much more relational”


Strive is committed to making improvements to lives of children and young people engaging in their programme. They have an open and transparent approach with local authorities and are very responsive to suggestions and recommendations that support continuous improvements. (LA Commissioner)

Strive is providing a brilliant resource for young people in the area. I was so impressed with the set-up and the staff when I visited. Thanks again for what you are doing for X” (Pastoral Leader)

“Thank you for all the support you and the team have given our students. Strive has made a huge difference to our students who access the provision – Thank you” (Deputy Head Teacher)

“The provision Strive have given our school and students has been excellent. We have been really impressed with the way that previously disengaged students are now experiencing success through the courses you offer. The service that Strive has given the school has been impressive. The reports on students have been very helpful and has provided useful supporting evidence for students requiring more support. The care for students has also been great and you have gone above and beyond to work with some students. This is a provision that has really benefited schools, students and families in the area and one that we would highly recommend to others” (School Year Manager)

“For the multiple young people I have had in Strive, each young person has had positive things to say about Strive. The family will often say that Strive ‘get’ the young person and they feel it is a great setting for them. It is clear that staff care and want the best for all the children and each child seems to have different staff members who are their ‘favourites’ but who they relate to and get on with.
It is lovely that even when there are ‘non-attenders’ that staff will continue to try their hardest to be involved and re-engage them into education and meet the child’s desires where they can” (Youth Worker)

I have found Strive an excellent provision for young people with additional needs and those who find the traditional class room environment overwhelming. Strive offer bespoke packages to support overcoming barriers to learning, include support around emotional wellbeing, are great at developing trusted relationships with students, and promptly share information pertaining to performance, safeguarding, and more. Strive go over and above to support young people and keep them in placements when other provisions would have given up” (Senior Youth Justice Officer)

X School have been really impressed with Strive for Education and the personalised education you offer students. From my initial walk around, the professionalism and dedication of the staff, in addition to the great facilities, make it a positive environment for students that need that extra support. We have also been impressed with your ability to personalise the provision for students and the outcomes you have got in such a short space of time is impressive. You have always been on an email or the end of the phone” (Head Teacher)

“It has given me the opportunity to express how grateful and appreciative I am, as acting Head at X for the educational provision Strive is offering our students. I feel our students benefit greatly from Strive and also that your core values and expectations meet that of our own. It was really important for me to visit Strive and see what you have set up, before I committed to sending any of our students. I wanted to get a feel for the place and see what some of our more challenging students would be experiencing. I have to say from the very start, I have been hugely impressed, and this has only been enhanced further through additional visits and seeing how our students have progressed at Strive.

The reports, which give absolute clarity around each student, have been fantastic and have helped greatly to maintain that regular connection between Strive and ourselves. They have been really powerful in allowing us to have meaningful conversations with X and X when they are in school” (Assistant Head Teacher)

Strive is an excellent provision that has allowed our students to regain confidence and experience success on different levels helping them to re-engage with learning.  I am really impressed with the way Strive has been able to engage with some of our highly disengaged students and help them to feel settled and happy to the point they are willing to take on challenges previously they would refuse.  The patience and dedication of the staff has been invaluable to our students in helping them to reset when things have gone wrong and to help them to develop coping strategies that work for them that allow them to avoid similar problems in the future.  Part of this success has been Strive’s flexibility in approach to how students learn, and the speed at which you adapt to meet those needs.  The weekly reports have been a really helpful way to keep in touch with what is happening for our students and allows us to work with Strive to deal with any issues as they have arisen.  Further to this, communication is great, any concerns Strive has, are promptly raised and refreshingly, so are successes, allowing me and the student’s year leaders to stay fully up to date with student progress. Thank you” (Year Manager)



Parents & Carers: of all respondents:

100% believe Strive has a positive impact on their son/daughter’s academic progress.

100% believe Strive has a positive impact on their son/daughter’s social & emotional progress.

100% were pleased with how staff at Strive support their son/daughter?

100% said they could contact Strive to discuss any issues that their son/daughter is having/may have?

100% felt that issues/concerns are dealt with swiftly and effectively?

100% believe that Strive has a positive effect on their son/daughter’s life?

Taking into account full experiences of Strive, parents/carers rated us on average 9.8 out of 10

100% would recommend Strive to others

Professionals: of all respondents:

100% feel that Strive is effective in meeting the needs of young people placed with us

100% feel that Strive communicates effectively and in a timely manner

100% feel confident that any safeguarding concerns are dealt with in a timely and effective manner

100% feel that Strive staff professional, approachable, knowledgeable and available when needed

Taking into account full experiences of Strive, professionals also rated us on average 9.8 out of 10!

100% of professionals would recommend Strive to others

If you are interested in finding out more about STRIVE, or chat about the individual needs of your student or child. Call us on 01423 649070, or simply fill out the form below and we’ll get straight back to you.