Strive will offer a personalised curriculum that is tailored towards meeting the interests and needs of our young people.

The Strive AP curriculum has three main themes:

Theme 1: Social Skills Curriculum

This theme is focussed around giving students the social skills and experiences that will prepare them for adulthood, employment and independent living. Social skills are the skills we use to communicate and interact with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language and our personal appearance. Our students will develop ways to communicate messages, thoughts and feelings with others in an appropriate way.

Students will be given opportunities to develop social skills needed for life beyond education and will be focussed on: Resilience, Communication, Teamwork, Punctuality, Empathy, conflict resolution and patience.

Theme 2: Qualifications and courses of study.

Where it is relevant and in the best interests of a student’s development and progress, students can study a selection of core subjects which are complemented by optional subjects. The suite of subjects being offered are designed to give a balance of core study, personal development, physical and mental well-being and optional subjects that reflect student interests. Some subjects and qualifications may have an aspect of assessment and may provide National Accreditations that are recognised in education and work-based learning sectors.

Theme 3: Vocational experiences
Strive offers a selection of vocational subjects that aim to ‘spark an interest’ in an area that students could go on to develop further, either by studying them as a qualification or to engage in some form of work experience. The primary aim of these subjects is to allow students to experience the content and knowledge of a subject area without having the pressure of following a rigid curriculum and assessment structure. These subjects will be flexible to meet the individual needs of students and will be delivered in a practical manner within a nurturing approach.

End goal!

Prepare students for their next steps in education, employment and training, and their adult lives. This includes further/higher education and employment, independent living, participating in society and being as healthy as possible in adult life.

End goal!

Improve behaviour, reduce any involvement in criminality, anti-social behaviour and reduce the chance of criminal or sexual exploitation. Reduce involvement with risk-taking behaviours and use of substances.

End goal!

To improve attendance within education and mental well-being. To improve a student’s confidence, self-esteem and to view themselves as someone who can achieve, who has valuable skills and someone who has a positive future!

Courses on offer:

OFFER 1: 3-day Programme

Construction & Building

Core Practical Offer

This route is designed for those who have a genuine interest in progressing through to the building and construction trade. 3-days are spent at the Pannal workshop completing bricklaying, joinery, plumbing, electrical work, roofing and flooring. This programme the chance to gain a BTEC Level 1 in Construction which is an ideal 'stepping stone' to College after Y11.

Functional Skills Maths and English

As part of the construction route, students will study maths and English. This provides a foundation for progression to college, employment or training and will help learners develop skills for everyday life and in particular construction! Students can sit formal Functional Skills exams at Strive.

Enrichment curriculum

As part of the construction route, students will take part in a programme of practical physical activities and exercise designed to keep the body and mind active. Activities are decided by the students and may include gym, boxing, table-tennis, indoor climbing, golf, pool, darts and more team-building activities such as forest skills and bushcraft.

PSHE & Preparing for Adulthood

As part of the construction route, students will explore issues such as crime, exploitation, finance, safety, effects of drugs and alcohol and sex and relationships. This will be delivered in morning form groups. Students will also explore life beyond Y11, which is relevant to further education, the real world and the workplace. Students will also study employability skills, CV writing, interview skills and techniques, job applications, careers and training pathways.

OFFER 2: 2-day Programme

Vocational Subjects

Maths & English - Functional Skills/GCSE

This core examination course is designed to make Maths relevant to the real world and the workplace. The FS specification allow students to develop subject knowledge and apply it in a variety of different contexts. It provides a foundation for progression to employment or further education and it will help learners develop skills for everyday life. Functional Skills Entry Level 1-3 & Level 1-2. Students can sit formal FS exams at Strive. Where a student is capable of a higher level, GCSE foundation/higher is available.

Woodworking & Home Craft Skills

This course will be delivered in a practical way that teaches students the basics about woodworking and homecraft. Basic joinery, woodwork, bricklaying, and household craft and DIY will form the basis of this course. Students will develop key skills that are superb for future employment opportunities.

Hospitality, Tourism & Cooking - BTEC

Students will explore the exciting, creative and practical nature of cooking within the home environment. In the Strive kitchen, students will learn how to prepare, make and serve a variety of foods that can be then used at home. Healthy eating, shopping and budgeting are all essential life skills that will be taught. BTEC L1 Award-Certificate Vocational Qualification.

Sport, Physical & Mental Wellbeing - BTEC

Students will study the theoretical aspect of sport in the classroom before taking part in a programme of practical exercise and activities. Activities will rotate between gym, boxing, circuits, fitness, table-tennis, indoor climbing, pool & darts, badminton and team games such as football/cricket/rounders/tag rugby/basketball. This is a practical course designed to allow opportunities using a range of facilities within the local community.

Outdoor Learning Programme (OLP)

This course highlights the need for students to explore the outdoors and develop a range of physical skills they might not be able to indoors. This is designed to develop personal skills such as communication, resilience, teamwork and patience. Activities could include biking, archery, orienteering, kayaking, climbing, shooting amongst many others.

Enrichment Opportunities

Through a rich and diverse selection of enrichments choices, students can take part in a variety of experiences that will provide valuable opportunities to enhance their skills. These choices include: boxing, gardening, pallet craft, animal care, horticulture, golf, fishing, climbing, pool, darts, baking, help in the community, hair & make-up and health & social care. Other options can be added depending on student interests.

PHSE, Careers and Preparing for Next-Steps -ASDAN

This course is designed to explore issues such as crime, exploitation, finance, safety, effects of drugs and alcohol and sex and relationships. This will be delivered in morning form groups. Students will also explore life beyond Y11, which is relevant to further education, the real world and the workplace. Students will study employability skills, CV writing, interview skills and techniques, job applications, careers and training pathways. Students could also take part in a work experience module that will place them in a real life working environment in their area of interest with a local company.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Extra-curricular opportunities are offered after school; these include: hair, beauty and make-up, bricklaying, self-defence, photography, cookery, sports & fitness and film club. Options may vary and will rotate throughput the year.

The curriculum, regardless of subject studied, is underpinned by a programme of nurturing and personal development that focuses on communication and interaction skills, cognition and learning skills, personal, social, emotional skills and British values.

If you are interested in finding out more about STRIVE, or chat about the individual needs of your student or child. Call us on 01423 649070, or simply fill out the form below and we’ll get straight back to you.